Clinic specializing in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Assisted Reproduction

Instituto Malavé es una clínica, fundada en 1973, especializada en Ginecología, Reproducción Asistida, Cirugía Reproductiva avanzada, Obstetricia y Medicina Regenerativa.

El reto consistió en crear una narrativa común para aunar estos servicios, que aplican a diferentes etapas en la vida de una mujer, en una sola web que genere confianza y refleje, tanto la experiencia de su dirección médica, como la atención personalizada que se recibe en la clínica. Para ello creamos el claim «Cuidando la salud de la mujer desde 1973».

Diseñamos y desarrollamos la web en 3 idiomas para atender la demanda de pacientes internacionales reales y potenciales detectados tras investigar analíticas de la web y redes.

Realizamos sesiones fotográficas en clínica y laboratorio y acompañamos con imágenes genéricas de stock e IA generativa para la web y contenido en redes

Ideamos y producimos piezas de video en los principales idiomas de los pacientes interesados (Español y Francés) que acompañan esta narrativa, basada en el acompañamiento en todas las fases de la vida de la mujer. Desde su adolescencia hasta la etapa final. Usamos estas piezas en redes, campañas en redes sociales y pantallas informativas en la clínica.

Trabajamos SEO, mediante publicación de contenido de valor en base a análisis previos e investigación y campañas SEM, usando distintos formatos de video e idiomas, con enfoque en clientes internacionales muy interesados en Reproducción Asistida en España, con exitoso resultado.

La clínica encuentra, desde sus inicios, en un edificio protegido, de estilo regionalista y gran belleza. Aprovechamos esta especial característica identitaria para reforzar su logo e ilustraciones, creando una simplificación 2D gráfica del edificio, así como su versión dedicada al 50 aniversario. Utilizamos esta imagen para producir merchandising (bolsas de tela, pegatinas), material corporativo (carpetas, dosieres) y señalética interior.


Digital Consultancy

We audit the current state of your business from a digital perspective. We define objectives, study your search engine positioning and that of your competitors. We analyze possible frictions in the digital sales process (customer service, CRM...,). We propose the optimal multichannel strategy and the minimum investment necessary to obtain a sustainable progression.

Creative Strategy

We build pieces, campaigns, and disruptive content that support communication, coherently with your brand as part of the action plan focused on communication, advertising, or marketing.

An advertising campaign on social networks, a training video, an interactive presentation, a product visualization in 3D, planning a podcast. These are some of the pieces whose content and production require a coordinated creative strategy prior to their technical execution.

Digital Action Plan

We believe in the ability of companies to successfully execute a strategic digital communication or marketing plan. Today there are tools specifically designed for entrepreneurs or teams with little previous technical experience to achieve success. We will give you the necessary impulse, advice, and confidence through an annual strategic plan, including technical configuration, base content, and training. You take control.

Visual Design

We adapt your traditional graphic identity to the specifications of the online format (web, app, social media, video). We design or adapt your logo and graphic elements (buttons, icons, diagrams, illustrations). We design the visual elements that will be part of your digital marketing strategy: graphics for social networks, ebooks, newsletters...

UX / UI Design

We design the user experience (UX) of your website or app working on an interactive solution that aligns the user's needs with those of your business. We perform user testing to ensure an optimal experience. Once the design is ready to launch, we move on to the development phase.

Web / App Development

We use the platform or programming language that best suits the project's needs in the development phase. We integrate CMS systems, e-commerce, e-learning, reservations, or other customized functionalities. 

We use the technology that complains about the legal requirements necessary for your project.

Video / VFX

Video is one of the most effective tools in digital strategy. It captures and retains the user's attention, bringing credibility and notoriety to your brand. It is fundamental in social media strategy and SEM campaigns. We produce corporate videos, commercials, tutorials, interviews, reports... with all the necessary resources: drones, steadycam, visual effects, subtitles, animation...


We design your website according to technical specifications, allowing your business to be easily found in Google, Bing, and other search engines. We create valuable content related to the interests of your potential customers, analyzing what they are looking for and how. We study your competitors and work periodically to put your company in an advantageous position.

Maintenance / Security

A website/app is software that "lives" in a changing environment. Operating system updates, browsers, threats, viruses, new devices... All this requires updates, backups, and monitoring. The maintenance service will prevent many problems for your business and customers.

Ejecutar Plan de Acción

We take care of everything you need to reach your potential customers.

We implement the previously designed plan, using the technology and digital channels best aligned with the characteristics of your business, your target audience, and your products or services.

This plan, reviewed month by month, enhances the reach of your business and multiplies the opportunities.